Back to the Gym

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Manchester is opening up on the 12th April which includes gyms, all going well with the governments roadmap to coming out of lockdown. Maybe this is your opportunity to set a new goal for 2021 and improve your physical and mental health.

The doors will open on April 12th and most will race into the gym like it Is the first day at school. Don’t be one of these!! Keep your routine by ensuring you go to the gym at the best time around your work and where you feel comfortable. The gyms will have controlled capacities but this can still feel very overwhelming with the risk of covid. Be assured all precautions are being taken to keep you safe.

Find a time that works for you, a time you commit to 3 times a week. Another big thing you will find is the gyms will be full of people pushing out reps and lifting weights and be seen to practically sleep at the gym. Do not get caught up in over training. The need to train 7 days in the week because you put on some lockdown weight or lost a little muscle mass will not get you the results you want. The general rule is moderate exercise, good nutrition and a consistent approach to training.

Another one is the number of return to gym programmes you will find out their, or apps getting you to spend money to buy into a programme that I know in 2-3 weeks time you will forget and be back to square one. Start off simple, if you are a regular gym goer go back to basic of any training you have done in the past. 3 day muscle group split with 2 days of cardio is a great foundation. lift below your last personal best and revisit with good form and controlled rests. If you are gym newbie or not stepped foot in a gym for over a year then start off in the weighted machine areas follow the guidance on the machine or ask a Fitness Instructor for help, keep it to 3 sets of 12 reps. increase your weight in a controlled manner to get your muscle engaged. Our top tip is: Do not rush your first few weeks back, make a plan and then review.

The gym is not where the best people win and make the best results. It is a space that provides you with equipment to give you a variety of workouts and a variety of ways to lift weights. If you are a runner or walker then stick to the great outdoors and not get tied to a treadmill. Focus on your calorie intake and be vigilant of calorie dense foods. Make sure your walking 10k steps a day and get fresh air.

The gym is an opportunity, make a plan, work out which days are going to be cardio or HIIT days, work out which days are going to be resistance days and finally make sure your rest days include steps but nothing but resting. Consistency is key. Stick to your plan for 4 weeks then review and adapt. If you are unsure then maybe take the opportunity to work with a Personal trainer. Many clients of Inferno Fitness Academy buy into packages of 1 to 2 sessions per week because it comes with far more than just a face in the gym. A good trainer will give you programmes and structure for the days you are by yourself, nutrition guidance in stages for you to embed good habits and will keep you motivated 7 days a week with a routine around your lifestyle. The money you save by eating properly, ditching the bad habits gives you the investment of knowledge, good form and a coach thats with you everyday.

What I will say is you have the chance to be part of something great with the Inferno Fitness Academy 12 Week Challenge. This is a great opportunity to get yourself set up with a review exercise programme, nutrition guidance and support, daily motivation and weekly accountability. You will make more success back in the gyms this April with someone by your side coaching you every step of the way.

Or maybe its time just to become accountable and get yourself a personal trainer based in Manchester to keep you motivated face to face and working hard towards your gaols. Either way we are her to ensure you make the progress you want to be successful in achieving your goals.

Inferno Fitness Academy is based in Manchester on the Salford Quays with Chris working in Pure Gym, Exchange Quay. One of the best gyms in Manchester and Covid-19 Safe. If you want to get back to the gym on the right foot then get in touch and start your fitness journey today.

You can be great, but only if you choose to put yourself and your fitness first.